How To Shop

Browse by Category:

If you are a returning customer and have an account, please sign in using your email address or log in details and password.

Quick Search:

You can also use our “Product Search” facility located at the top of every page. Simply enter a keyword or product code and click the Find it button. You will be taken to a results page where relevant items matching your search will appear. If you cannot find what you are looking for, try refining your keyword(s) or double check your product code.

Add products to your basket:

  • You can add to your basket by clicking the Buy button on the product listing page (under the thumbnail image). This will automatically be added to your basket, you can also amend your order quantity
  • On the Product Details page you can add an item to your order by clicking the Buy button – the quantity will automatically stay at ‘1’ unless manually amended

Finished shopping?

Enter your billing information as it appears on your credit card statement. Your credit card will not be accepted without the appropriate billing address and telephone number. If you are a returning customer, your billing address will automatically appear on the Billing and Shipping page. If the shipping address is different than the billing address, enter the address where you would like your order shipped.

Shipping Options.

Click the ‘Go to your basket’ link at the top right hand corner. Check the details of your order and amend as necessary then click Check out.

Payment Information.

At this time, you must verify your address information is correct, review your order and then enter your payment method and click “Place Order”. For more information on payment, click here.

Payment Method:

Once an order is placed you will be taken to the checkout confirmation page. You will be taken directly to our secure payment page.

Order Complete:

Once you have submitted your order the next screen you will see is your order confirmation. Please make a note of your reference number which you will need to quote in any communication with us. The details of your order are available for future reference and can be accessed from the My Account page. You will also receive an order confirmation by email.